Scripture Union, Northern Ireland

A Day in the Life of an Intern



A Day in the Life of an SUNI Intern:



Wake up and get ready for the day ahead.



Arrive at your first school of the day for assembly! Use the time in the carpark to reflect on a Bible passage, pray and read over your assembly notes. 



Meet your supervisor before helping to deliver a high–energy, engaging assembly to a hall full of children and teachers. 


Head back to the office for a cup of tea and a debrief with your supervisor. Chat over the good things and the things to work on– celebrate your progress!



Start to prepare for your next lesson by reading over notes and assigning specific parts to deliver. 


Meet a church volunteer outside the school before heading in to deliver your RE lesson. 




Finish up with your lesson and debrief with your church volunteer. Pray for and encourage each other and build relationships that make for a stronger team. 






Go to the office to catch up on some admin and reading, enjoy another cup of tea as you do your final bit of prep for your after–school SU group – cutting, sticking, photocopying and planning games for every eventuality! 



Head to your next school for an SU group. Here you’ll get to build deeper relationships with the children through games, crafts and small group discussions about the Good News of Jesus. 


Go to base and wrap up the day with your supervisor. Chat over the calendar for the week and get excited for all the lessons, assemblies, SU groups, church volunteer meetings and special events you’ll get to be a part of!




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