I’m on an Inters Support Team
What information do you ask for?
When you sign up to join an Inters Support Team (IST)you and your parent/guardian fill in a form giving your name, date of birth, age, school, year group, church, email address, mobile number. Your parent/guardian then fills in their name, relationship to you, address, phone number, email address, the details of another emergency contact, any relevant medical information about you and then indicates that they do or do not give permission for your participation, emergency medical treatment, contact via Facebook/email/group text, and for photos and videos.
Why do you need this information?
We need this information to ensure that if you sign up to take part in an IST you understand the commitment involved, and it helps us to confirm that you are the right person to be on the team. We need any relevant medical/special needs information to make sure you keep well when you’re at planning meetings and events, and to make sure you can take part as fully as possible. We need to keep in touch with you about Inters events in ways that you and your parents have agreed to, and we need to be able to contact your parents in an emergency.
Who do you tell my information to?
One passworded member of the Schools team will initially access all the information and then work with our E3 staff to form IST’s. The E3 staff will hold a spreadsheet on their laptop with all the information on all their IST members throughout the time you are involved in their IST so that they can contact you about planning meetings and events, and so that they have any medical information they may need (e.g. that you are allergic to nuts) and emergency contact information if necessary. If your parents have given permission, then you may also choose to join a closed Facebook group, sign up for group texts or group emails, or join a WhatsApp or similar group relating to the IST.
How do you look after my information?
The web application forms are held on our secure, encrypted server. The information will be downloaded to a Schools staff laptop and then your details will be given to the E3 Schools worker who is organising your IST. All our staff laptops are encrypted and passworded. Our E3 workers will treat your personal information with care.
What do you do when I leave the IST?
The E3 worker will delete your information from their laptop once you are no longer involved in an IST. Each year the web application forms will be deleted off our system, and we will just archive a list of names of who was involved in an IST during that school year – this list is kept on our secure, encrypted server for insurance purposes.